Alexander VanHaven
I have been a medium and large format film photographer since 11-1-1960. I shoot digital too but almost all my B&W is on film. My photography is diverse from being photojournalist to landscapes and se... Show more
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I have been a medium and large format film photographer since 11-1-1960. I shoot digital too but almost all my B&W is on film. My photography is diverse from being photojournalist to landscapes and seascapes. I also shoot a lot of Americana images.
I use basic tools such as Lightroom and PhotoShop to control image quality, density, contrast and in some cases to remove unwanted items or improve the background. Many of these are from film that I have scanned and I do the same thing, as if it was a digital file to begin with.
None of my pictures here are digitally created (AL) and most are as the eye saw them when I composed them.